
When Being Right is Wrong...

The other day I expressed my views on a particular subject that did not sit well with my listener. I became adamant, even forceful with my views. In my heart of hearts I truly believed that I was right. Sort of still do. But my insistence on being right caused much tension and stress for my listener. Couldn't I just agree? Would I have diminished in some capacity? Because what I believed wasn't accepted does that mean that my perspective was wrong? No. No one can take away my belief. And it is okay to let someone else be right. But it is wrong to try and make someone see what I believe- when they choose not to accept it,- just in the name of being right. Cause quietly kept, they have a right to believe what they choose. And no matter what I may think or believe, I've got to respect that. Period.  Today, I choose to let others be right. I will allow people the opportunity to agree or even disagree with me. This is right..Anything else, I believe, would be wrong....


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